Dude’s Law

  • یوسف مهرداد

Enter Dude’s Law: V = W / H, where V is value, W is why (intent) and H is how (mechanics).

As a starter for Dude’s Law, I modified Ohms Law ( I = V / R ) an old and trusted guide of mine; a tool I used to completely rewire my current home. In Ohm’s Law, I is current (flow) , V is voltage (pull) and R is resistance (blockage). If (R)esistance increases and (V)oltage (pull) is constant, current (flow) is reduced. Or, if V remains constant, and R is reduced, flow increases.

dudes law button

Dude’s Law works in a similar way., if (H)ow increase and (W)hy is constant, then (V)alue is reduced. Or, in a similar way to Ohm’s Law, If your W is constant (you know what you expect) and you reduce H (less process) then the V increases. As you drive the mechanics (H)ow towards zero, which you could call leaning out your processes, (V)alue increases even if Why is constant)

Reference: www.devjam.com

P.S. Search for more information about using Dude’s Law in coaching.


یوسف مهرداد

یوسف مهرداد

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